Friday, May 20, 2011

Welcome to the family!

While we still have the adoption process to finalize in the US, as of today, we have legal guardianship of our Gideon. He is officially a part of our family! Now we can post all the pictures we want of the little guy...thought I would start at the beginning. This is a picture of the very first time we met Gideon at the Babies Home. Mary me him first and he was a bit apprehensive with both of us. He kept checking us out...looking us up and down.
I looked a bit rough. We arrived only a few hours earlier after a 30-something hour trip to Uganda. BUT we were so excited to meet this little guy that we couldn't wait.

This was a few days later when we were out and about...only 1/2 of the family. Looking forward to reuniting with the other half.

We still have some things that have to be done before we get home but these things are not "if" things but "when" things. Hopeful that everything will fall into place and I will be on a flight next Friday. We'll keep you posted. Wonderful day!


sara said...

YAY!!! WORDS canNOT express our excitement for your precious family!!!

lauraharness said...

praise God, thanks for putting up these pics, I just cried and cried! so excited!!! love you and can't wait for you 2 to come home!

kb thomas said...

I have happy tears flowing down as I read this entry....YAY!! Praise the Lord that the "ifs" are over!!

Christine said...

Loving the pictures... I didn't think Gideon couldn't be cuter than the first picture Travis gave us, but he is absolutely the most gorgeous baby! Congrats! What an awesome family you both have, you're very blessed!

Chris said...

so happy to finally get to "meet" gideon! can't wait until the chair in shreveport is filled...thanks for keeping us up to date jamey. we're praying for y'all.

Betty Lou said...

Gideon looks so small in your arms, Jamey; not quite so in Mary's. He's a lucky little fella to have become a Droddy. So thankful for this add'l blessing.